What Does Your Core Want to Say to You Today

Set a timer for 5 minutes and see what your body says. Here is what mine told me.

What does your core and abs want to say to you today? (set a timer and write for 5 minutes, then share!)

I am your core, speaking to you.
Yep, right down here in the center of you.
Supporting the structures that move you around,
Holding everything over the ground.
Strengthen me, relax me, breathe in and out.
Massage all my organs and shift them about.
I’ll send you messages and listen to you.
Trying to fulfill all you want to do.
Abdominals criss cross and wrap around me.
Spine muscles run up and down like trees.
With branches and fascia connecting it all.
When muscles work in harmony you can stand tall.
Core abdominals, abdominals core.
Thanks for setting aside time to explore.